“The way we choose to see the world creates the world we see.” -Barry Neil Kaufman

For years I was blind. Until one day in late July 2001 when the temperature was 118 degrees in Phoenix and my temperature was well above that. I was angry and it was hot. And I had just locked my keys in my car at ASU West and even DPS could not “pop the lock” on my car.  So I had to walk ALL THE WAY OVER to the bus stop to ride the bus home to get my other set of keys. It was all of about 200 yards. As I angrily walked in the heat pouting about my keys, feeling self-pity about how busy I was I saw a man sitting at the bus stop. As I approached I could see that he had a white-tipped cane used by people who are without eyesight. I really didn’t want to be bothered because I was angry and feeling sorry for myself so I said hello and stayed to the side. He asked, “Can you do me a favor?” I thought “oh great” but said okay. He asked if I could describe the trees and the sky to him because he had lost his eyes when he was 5 because of a disease.  He said that he always remembers how beautiful the trees and sky were and likes to get other people’s descriptions. So I described. The desert trees and landscapes were various colors and all bore their own beauty. The sky had high clouds but was otherwise blue and clear. He said that many people have 20/20 vision but are blinder than he is because they do not appreciate the gift of sight and its’ ability to see natural beauty.  He told me to always appreciate my sight and the gift to see all things beautiful. My mood changed immediately and I began to make it a daily point to appreciate my gift of sight and the ability to see beauty. I did it today when I went for a run/walk with my dog.  I saw the beauty of the trees, birds enjoying a cool bird bath and my dog Zeus’ look of unconditional love toward me. I saw all of my abilities, the beauty of the lake that I walked past, and how great it was to be able to exercise because some cannot. I saw how lucky I am to have so much love in my life, a business that I enjoy doing, and all of the other gifts that I am so richly blessed with. Most of us have chosen to be where we are at in life. We have chosen to lock our keys in our cars, live in the heat or cold, who we love and how busy we are. We also choose the way we see everything. For years I focused on the ugliness of the world, abusive people, and how life was not perfect. This led to great misery, health issues, and a low functioning life.  I am asking you like the blind man asked me to see the beauty in ALL things. See the good in life’s challenges because they will help you grow when you deal with them in a healthy way. Deliberately look for the good in others, the beauty in the world, and yourself.   Do not be blind any longer! Start today. You will be happier and healthier for it. BE YOUR OWN MIRACLE!


2 thoughts on “WHICH EYES DO YOU USE?

  1. It is sad that it is usually so much easier to focus on the negative things that are going on in our world instead of the positive ones. The world would be a much better place if people tried harder to look at the glass as half full instead of as half empty. I am striving very hard to be a positive person and focus on the simple things in life. I feel like my life is much better that way.

    • It is so important to our overall health and well being to see the good and be able to work through the tough times. We have the ability to work through anything in a healthy way if we are focused on working through things in a healthy way. I read somewhere that a pessimist will have six times more ailments and disabilities than an optimist. We know that chronic depression, anxiety, and anger eventually leads to physical health problems. It can be a daily work but is of great benefit to us to see the good. Thanks for the comment.

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